Mesoamerican Art Definition

Mesoamerica refers to the cultural region extending from central Mexico to Costa Rica and includes Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The three periods of Mesoamerican civilization are Formative, Classic and Post classic. The Formative age began with Olmec age. It was followed by the Classic civilizations of the Teotihuacanos, the Zapotecs and the Mayas. The Postclassic period witnessed the reign of Toltec and Aztecs. The stepped pyramid is the prominent feature of Mesoamerican art. El Castillo in the Mayan city of Chichen Itza is another famous Mesoamerican architecture. The ball court is another famous Mesoamerican building type. Human and animal figures were common in sculpture. The Mesoamerican sculpture had simplified, curvilinear shapes. Stele, an upright stone carved relief is another example of Mesomaerican art.  Mesomaerican illuminated manuscripts, murals and pottery display paintings of the period.
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