School Board May Sell Property Online

A Mississippi School board is authorized to sell personal property not needed for school purposes in accordance with Mississippi Law.  The law requires advertisement in a newspaper.   However, provided the newspaper requirement is met, the property may be sold online.  This is based on the Mississippi Attorney General Option which stated in part:

This office has previously opined that any reasonable display of sale items is permissible. MS AG Op., Cobb (July 10, 1980). Therefore, it is the opinion of this office that after the auction is advertised in a local newspaper as required by Section 37-7- 455, the school district may then conduct the auction, or have it conducted, on line on the Internet. The school district may also advertise on-line in addition to the required newspaper advertising. We note that the Ethics laws, Section 25-4-101 et seq., may prohibit officials and employees of the school district from participation as bidders in the auction.
MS. Atty. Gen Opinion No. 2007-00435. 2007



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