Twin Feather Meditations | New monotypes

Throughout the years Lobato’s ancestors relied on their faith, which is entrenched in the Catholic tradition, to give them the strength to make a living form the soil and the inspiration to make their art. It is that history of creativity, necessity and spirituality that Lobato credits as sources for his creative drive. This rich tradition has often been the subject matter for his work. Raised in an environment of isolation and great natural beauty, it is surprising that Lobato has chosen abstraction or a “non-objective” style. Unlike many ethnic artists, Lobato does not translate his cultural identity in a traditional manner. He is interested in reducing his subjects to their basic elements. Lobato uses shapes, light, color and relationships to convey the essence or “spirit” of the world around him.

Dates:November 13, 2015 10:00 am to January 09, 2016 06:00 pm
Address:1040 Cherokee Street, Denver, Colorado 80204, United States
Phone: 303.893.2360
Contact:The William Havu Gallery