

0440 Eight "The Spode Blue Room Collection" Plates

Eight "The Spode Blue Room Collection" Plates, 10"dia., Caramanian, Rural Scenes, Milk Maid, Botanical, Continental Views, Byron Groups, Floral, Woodman.

0441 Eight Blue and White Collectibles Plates

Eight Blue and White Collectibles Plates, Shakespeare country ironstone, Liberty Blue, Royal Stafford, Spode Blue room, Japanese.

0508 Seven Hand Painted Collectible Plates

Seven Hand Painted Collectible Plates, Royal Ironstone, Theodore Haviland, Great Britian, 23 Kt Gold plates, Realoldwillow plate.

0612 Group of Collectible Plates

Group of Collectible plates, 6 plates, Gibson bowls, Pantry Bake in plate, Crown Ivory, Germany Plate, Austria plate, limited edition chargers.

0914 Ten Hand Painted Collectible Plates

Ten Hand Painted Collectible Plates, porcelain plates.

1048 Two Hummel Mother's Day Plates, Bavaria Oriental Hanging Plates

Two Hummel Mother's Day Plates, Bavaria Oriental Hanging Plates. 8"dia. Norman Rockwell plate.