

0764 16 Ga. Peters Victor and Remington Mohawk Field Load

Peters Victor 16 ga. 2 3/4, 25 shells, Remington 16 ga. 2 3/4, 8 shot, 25 shells.

0765 Winchester Western 16 ga. Ammo

Winchester Western 16 ga., Duck & Pheasant, 6 shot, 19, 25,25 shells.

0766 Winchester Super X 16 ga. and Remington Rifled Slug 16 ga.

Winchester Super X 16 ga., rifled, 10 total, and Remington Rifled Slug 16 ga., 5 total.

0790 Winchester Upland Heavy Field Load 16 ga, and Five Miscellaneous 12 ga. shell.

Winchester Upland Heavy Field Load 16 ga, has 19 in box, and Five Miscellaneous 12 ga. shell.