

One Drawer Pine Stand
0304 One Drawer Pine Stand

36" w., 19" d., 29" h.

Painted Black One Drawer Stand
0343 Painted Black One Drawer Stand

23" w., 15 1/2" d., 32" h.

Wood Podium
0414 Wood Podium

32" w., 43" h., 18" d.

Two Door Hexagon Stand
0441 Two Door Hexagon Stand

18" w., 21" h., 21" d.

Red Painted Double Washstand
0461 Red Painted Double Washstand

42" w., 34" h., 21" d.

Walnut One Door Stand
0497 Walnut One Door Stand

24" w., 33" h., 15" d.

Painted Nightstand
0719 Painted Nightstand

14" w., 11" d., 27" h.

Umbrella with Stand
0728 Umbrella with Stand

Wood Easels & Vase Stands
1044 Wood Easels & Vase Stands

Iron Plate Stand
1125 Iron Plate Stand

Metal Stand
1154 Metal Stand

16" w., 10" d., 34" h.

Six Easels & Two Stands
1180 Six Easels & Two Stands

Two Wood Fish Bowl Stands
1195 Two Wood Fish Bowl Stands

12" dia.

Concrete Twisted Pedestal
1258 Concrete Twisted Pedestal

15 1/2" dia., 18" h.