

Van Gogh Art Book
0447 Van Gogh Art Book

In Provence and Auvers, Bogomila Welsh-Ovcharov

Four Collectible Art Books
0710 Four Collectible Art Books

Three hundred years of American Painting by Alexander Eliot, The World of Michelangelo 1475-1564, The World of Rubens 1577-1640, Miro by Georges Raillard.

Two Collectible Art Books
0711 Two Collectible Art Books

Portraits of Greatness "Leonardo" by Paul Hamlyn, Rembrandt Complete Etching,

Law in American Books
0744 Law in American Books

Great Crimes & Trials, The Law in American, American Heritage.

British Museum and Louvre Paris Museum
0745 British Museum and Louvre Paris Museum

British Museum London by Paul Hamly, Louvre Paris, Great Museums of the world collection.

Four Leather Bound Collectible Books
1382 Four Leather Bound Collectible Books

Has some wear, Jewels by Danielle Steel, Jack London, two haandbog.

Four Decor Books
1383 Four Decor Books

Comfortable home, Who We Are, My Southern Wild.