

0384 Replica Native American Tomahawk

Replica Native American Tomahawk, vintage, metal blade, beaded design, bells, and feathers, hide cover, 20"

0399 Native American Vintage Replica Bow and Arrow

Native American Vintage Replica Bow and Arrow, with 3 arrows, feather flecking, 57"

0400 Replica Native American Tomahawk

Replica Native American Tomahawk, metal blade, hide wrap, fur, with feather, 20"

0401 Replica Native American War Hammer

Replica Native American War Hammer, leather wrapped stone, hide wrapped, fur, feather, 19".

0423 Native American Ceremonial Wand and Hid Fur Dream Catcher

Native American Ceremonial Wand 22" and Hid Fur Dream Catcher